Wow. The reactions to this film have been incredibly violent. Who knew that veganism threatens people so strongly. The most frequent complaint about Forks Over Knives, that veganism wasn’t mentioned, is hilarious. You don’t even need to hear the word to hate it, do you? It seems that the most critical of the critics accuse the filmmakers of ‘intellectual dishonesty’ for failing to fully disclose certain facts and inconsistencies of their investigations. The fact that the meat, egg and diary industry is doing this repeatedly for decades, to the detriment of the consumer, is conveniently left out of all the detractors’ reviews that I waded through.

When I notice ‘bias’ and ‘misinformation’, I look at intention. Improving health, extending lives and distancing ourselves from things that all intelligent people know is harmful to us (even the critics of this movie all agree to reduce consumption of these foods). What’s the worst that could happen if people follow the suggestions here? Better still, please supply me with the mountains of information proving that people are dropping dead daily from veggie burger, fruit and salad consumption. Now look at what the naysayers stand to gain. Obscene profits for meat, dairy, eggs, transport, sales, doctors, pharmaceuticals, lobby groups, government yes-men. The list goes on. What’s the worst that could happen if we DON’T change our diets? Environmental and economical collapse on top of all the undeniable health afflictions. The health insurance figures alone are terrifying.

Personally, I can’t imagine most people will become vegan from this film, but if they dramatically change their lives for the better, then the alleged ‘lies’ told here are for a far nobler cause than the lies we swallow daily from their opposition.

by Paul Barry

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