Guest Blog Submission Page 2013

Guest Blog Submission 2013

Thanks for contributing! Fill in the fields and add your blog. I'll let you know as soon as I post it!
  • (If you prefer to use a pen name or pseudonym, please ALSO fill out the field immediately below this one)
  • (This is the name that will appear on the post. Unless it is different to the name above, simply ignore this field)
  • (eg:
  • (eg: @acting4camera)
  • (Try to keep titles short and punchy. If your title is too long to fit aesthetically on the site, it may truncated for the post gallery. If so, it will appear in full in the body of the blog)
  • (Your post is limited to between 250 and 650 words. Ideally it would contain at least ONE image, if not two. They can be uploaded below. If you have a problem with uploads, simply email pictures to me at, using your blog post title in the subject field)
  • (eg: Paul Barry is an actor, director, writer, teacher and blogger. He co-owns Acting 4 Camera and Showreels Australia. Paul lives in LA, but regularly teaches via Skype, all around the world)
  • (Not mandatory, but if you add the original Word doc as well, I can see specific formatting and image placement. I will also have a backup, should something go wrong as I format it)
  • (Try to include at least ONE image. Please ensure you have the rights to all images, or that they are in the public domain)
  • (Please ensure you have the rights to all images, or that they are in the public domain)
  • (Please enter all appropriate tags, separated by commas. Be sure to include: 'acting 4 camera' and 'guest blog')
    (Please factor in that the dates above refer to LA time. Also know that it could take up to a week for your blog to be posted)




“Paul Barry is one of the most insightful and terrific teachers of acting that I have perhaps ever come across. I have not yet known someone who is able to so seamlessly blend in his teaching an understanding and appreciation of the instinctual and creative process of acting alongside the practical and vital technical components and skills that are required to be mastered in order to work in a professional capacity, quite like Paul."

- Lisa Kowalski

“Very informative. Thank you for giving us valuable and practical information. I actually have new ideas about breaking down scripts”

- Shaifali Raitti

"Loved learning about PIE! What a valuable 3 hours."

- Morgan Eichwald