Tag - 10 things actors should stop saying




"Paul - so much fun! Interesting - broke things down for me in a way to look at things differently - Thank you. "

- Elise Falanga

I want to thank Paul Barry, my acting tutor, friend and mentor so very much for helping me rediscover my passion for acting, rebuild my confidence, and helping me to stop trying to "act" but instead just connect and understand a piece - and make it true to my very gut through his use of technique, TONS of patience and easy going nature :).

- Jasmine Akbari

I stumbled upon Paul's masterclass in Sydney, and it for sure became one of the highlights of my trip - I've learned and absorbed so much within the short 8 hrs I was there, and I say short because time just flew by in his class. He was patient and articulate in the way he taught, he made it easy to relate and understand, and never once made anyone feel uncomfortable...unless you're willing to let him help you breakthrough challenging areas. Thanks for being such a generous teacher, Paul =)

- Cat Tsai