Tag - eidt




“Paul has the greatest passion for acting of anyone I know. Plus, he is a great teacher. This makes for very lucky students. I have learnt so much about acting & life from Paul. Make the time to do some sessions with him. If you do your homework, take on board what he says, and don’t gain anything, forget Paul giving you your money back, I will!”

- Simon Dooley

A quick post about Paul Barry's choices drop in workshops. I had the pleasure of attending several classes last time Paul was in Sydney. Extended improvisations and text work, in groups, individually or in pairs provided the framework to identify habits as well as explore choices, characterisation, endowment, and impulses. Paul brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to classes that are always fast-paced, fun and creatively stimulating.

- Lauren Richardson

"I find it quite appealing. It resonates with me - I find it freeing in the end"

- Miriam Stark