Tag - instincts




It's so rare to find a teacher who offers such a safe, creative environment to play - with no bullsh*t! Paul is simply one of the best around with a wealth of insight & a tangible technique on offer. Do it, you won't regret it....

- Jacki Mison

Paul is a wonderful teacher... I use his advice in auditons all the time and get nothing but excellent responses and results. Don't miss the opportunity to train with someone who not only knows what they are talking about.... but actually cares about your career and nurturing your talent.

- Claudia Barrie

“Paul is a highly engaging and committed acting tutor... His classes are practical, challenging, enjoyable and rich with the benefit of his experience. As a tutor and director, the feedback and guidance Paul gives is honest, generous and effective in helping an actor to reach their best performance level.”

– Daniel Byrnes