“Paul Barry’s Online Memorization Challenge is the BOMB!! You’ll learn lots of great new skills to help you remember scripts faster and more solidly. It’s also great for remembering important stuff in your everyday life. I really recommend it and Paul is wonderfully entertaining, funny and clever which makes the learning process loads of fun!!” – Elizabeth Tan (IMDb)

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Paul is one of those rare gems who is able to mentor an actor with pertinacity and humanity. You won’t find regurgitated rhetoric In Paul's class and that’s what makes his teachings so inspiring and valuable for the modern actor. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a bloody exceptional teacher!'

- Joanne Willmott

"I find it quite appealing. It resonates with me - I find it freeing in the end"

- Miriam Stark

Paul is a wonderful teacher... I use his advice in auditons all the time and get nothing but excellent responses and results. Don't miss the opportunity to train with someone who not only knows what they are talking about.... but actually cares about your career and nurturing your talent.

- Claudia Barrie